€STR = Euro short-term rate
The €STR reflects the wholesale euro unsecured overnight borrowing costs of banks located in th...
AAD = Adjoint Algorithmic Differentiation
AAD is a mathematical technique used to significantly speed up the calculation of sensitivities...
ABCP = Asset-Backed Commercial Paper
An ABCP is a short-term investment vehicle with a maturity typically ranging from 90 to 270 days. It...
ABS = Asset-Backed Securities
ABS are securities derived from a pool of underlying assets. To create asset-backed securities, fina...
ADR = American Depositary Receipt
ADR are share certificates and deposit certificates issues, traded and denominated in USD by US cust...
ADTV = ADV = Average Daily Trading Volume
Average daily trading volume (ADTV) is the average number of shares traded within a day in a given s...
AIF = Alternative Investment Funds
An AIF is a type of collective investment where funds are raised from a number of investors with a v...
ALCO = Asset-Liability Committee
It is a supervisory group that coordinates the management of assets and liabilities and provides imp...
ALM = Asset and Liability Management
It is a way of managing the financial risks that arise from the mismatch between the assets and liab...
AMC = Actively Managed Certificates
AMC are structured products that offer active portfolio management where the underlying assets are s...
AMF = Autorité des Marchés Financiers
The AMF is the securities commission in France. The AMF is an independent public body that is respon...
AML = Anti-Money Laundering
AML refers to legally recognized rules, national and international, that are designed to thwart hidi...
AMM = Automated Market Maker
AMMs are a type of decentralized exchange that use algorithmic mechanisms to facilitate the tra...
AMRF = Approved Minimum Retirement Fund
An AMRF if an Irish Fund similar to an ARF (Approved Retirement Fund). However, in the case of an AM...
AON = All-or-None
An AON is an order type that must be executed in its entirety, or not executed at all.
API = American Petroleum Institute
The API reports inventory levels of US crude oil inventories.
APT = Arbitrage Pricing Theory
APT is an asset pricing model which expresses expected returns of a financial asset as a linear func...
ARF = Approved Retirement Fund
An ARF is an Irish Fund allowing for tax-free growth of investments for pensions.
ARPs = Alternative Risk Premia strategies
Generally speaking, these strategies seek absolute returns that are not highly correlated to traditi...
ARRC = Alternative Reference Rates Committee
The ARRC is a group established by the Federal Reserve Board and the New York Fed. Its members inclu...
ART = Alternative Risk Transfer
Alternative risk transfer is the use of alternative techniques to achieve the same hedging and trans...
ASR = Accelerated Share Repurchase
ASR products allow an issuer to accelerate the purchase of its shares by entering into a forward on ...
ASW = Asset Swap
An asset swap is a synthetic position that combines a fixed rate bond with a fixed-to-floating inter...
ATM = At-the-Money
At-the-money is a term used to describe an option with a strike price identical or almost identical ...
ATMF = At-the-Money Forward
At-the-money forward is a term used to describe an option with a strike price identical or almost id...
AUM = Assets under Management
AUM is the total market value of the investments managed by a person or entity on behalf of investor...
B&H = Buy and Hold
B&H is an investment strategy that involves buying stock regardless of where they are in the cyc...
The BEL 20 is the benchmark stock market index of Euronext Brussels. It tracks the performance of 20...
BIS = Bank for International Settlements
The Bank for International Settlements is an international financial institution which is owned by m...
BLOC = Buy Low Or Cash
BLOC certificate is another name given by UBS for a discount certificate. When purchasing a BLOC, th...
BO = Back Office
The back office is the portion of a company made up of administration and support personnel who are ...
BoE = Bank of England
The BoE is the central bank of England.
BoJ = Bank of Japan
The BoJ is the central bank of Japan.
BOP = Balance of Payments
It is the method by which countries measure all of the international monetary transactions within a ...
BRC = Barrier Reverse Convertible
BRCs are very popular yield enhancement products that are suited for investors who are anticipating ...
BRICS = Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
5 countries grouped together because of their similar stages of economic development, although their...
BSE SENSEX = Bombay Stock Exchange Sensex
The BSE SENSEX is a free-float market-weighted stock market index of 30 well-established and financi...
BTCA = Bloomberg Transaction Cost Analysis
BTCA is a multi-asset, transaction cost analysis tool that combines your trades with the extraordina...
BTP = Buoni del Tesoro Poliennali
BTPs are medium-term to long-term Italian government bonds with maturities ranging from 3 to 30 year...
BWIC = Bid Wanted in Competition
This term is commonly used in fixed-income markets to describe a process where the holder of a portf...
CAC 40
The CAC 40 is a benchmark French stock market index. The index represents a capitalization-weighted ...
CAF = Calculation Agent Fee
The Calculation Agent Fee reduces the redemption amount subject to the holding period and has negati...
CAGR = Compound Annual Growth Rate
CAGR represents the mean annual growth rate of an investment or financial metric over a specified pe...
CAPM = Capital Asset Pricing Model
The CAPM is an idealized portrayal of how financial markets price securities and thereby determine e...
CAR = Capital Adequacy Ratio
The capital adequacy ratio measures a bank's financial strength by using its capital and assets. It ...
CBBCs = Callable Bull/Bear Certificates
CBBC are structured products. They are leveraged investments that track the performance of the...
CCAR = Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review
The Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review is a stress-test regime for large US banks. It aims to...
CCB = Chinese Convertible Bonds
CCBs are convertible bonds issued in China, allowing investors to convert bonds into equity at speci...
CCB = Contingent Convertible Bonds
CCBs are a type of hybrid debt instrument that automatically converts into equity when a specific tr...
CCPs = Central Counterparties
Central Counterparties interpose themselves between counterparties to contracts traded, becoming the...
CCR = Counterparty Credit Risk
CCR is the risk that the counterparty to a transaction could default before the final settlement of ...
CCS = Cross-Currency Swaps
CCS are an OTC derivative in a form of an agreement between two parties to exchange interest payment...
CD = Certificate of Deposit
A certificate of deposit is a type of savings account that pays a fixed interest rate on money held ...
CDD = Customer Due Diligence
Customer due diligence is the act of performing background checks and other screening on the custome...
CDO = Collateralized Debt Obligation
A CDO is a complex structured finance product that is backed by a pool of loans and other assets and...
CDRAN = Callable Daily Range Accrual Note
A range accrual note is a structured product where the coupon is linked to the performance of a refe...
CDS = Credit Default Swaps
A CDS is a financial derivative that allows an investor to swap or offset their credit risk with tha...
CEEMEA = Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa
CEEMEA is a geographical grouping used by global corporations and financial institutions to describe...
CET-1 = Common Equity Tier 1
CET-1 is a component of a bank's core capital, which consists primarily of common shares and retaine...
CEX = Centralised Exchange
Centralized exchange refers to a digital platform that facilitates the trading, buying, and sel...
CFA = Chartered Financial Analyst
The CFA program is the professional qualification administered and awarded by the CFA Institute, bas...
CFD = Contract For Difference
A CFD is a derivative financial product that allows investors to take a long or a short position in ...
CFTC = Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CFTC regulates the U.S. derivatives markets. This includes the commodity futures, options, and swaps...
CGT = Capital Gains Tax
CGT is a tax on the profit realized from the sale of non-inventory assets, such as stocks, bonds, pr...
ChF = Characteristic Function
In probability theory and statistics, the characteristic function of any real-valued random variable...
CHF = Swiss franc
The Swiss franc is the currency and legal tender of Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
CLN = Credit-Linked Note
A CLN is a type of structured financial product that combines a credit default swap (CDS) with a not...
CLO = Collateralized loan obligations
A CLO is a single security backed by a pool of debt. The process of pooling assets into a marketable...
CMBS = Commercial Mortgage-Backed Security
CMBS are fixed-income investments backed by mortgages on commercial properties rather than residenti...
CME = Chicago Mercantile Exchange
The CME is a global derivatives marketplace based in Chicago. CME is part of the CME Group and cov...
CMO = Collateralized Mortgage Obligation
A CMO refers to a type of mortgage-backed security that contains a pool of mortgages bundled togethe...
CMS = Constant Maturity Swap
A constant maturity swap (CMS) is a variation of the regular interest rate swap in which the floatin...
ColVA = Collateral Valuation Adjustment
ColVa is another generic term that is often used to reference the difference in remuneration of coll...
COSI = Collateral Secured Instruments
It is a separate segment of structured products aiming to minimize the issuer risk. The issuer of CO...
CP = Commercial Papers
Commercial paper consists of short-term notes issued primarily by corporations. Maturities range up ...
CPI = Consumer Price Index
The CPI measures changes in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households.&...
CPNs = Capital-Protected Notes
Also called principal-protected notes (PPNs), there are structured products that guarantee the...
CPPI = Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance
CPPI is a trading strategy that allows an investor to maintain an exposure to the upside potential o...
CPPT = Constant Proportion Portfolio Technique
CPPT is a trading strategy that allows an investor to maintain an exposure to the upside potential o...
CQF = Certificate in Quantitative Finance
The CQF is a professional qualification designed for individuals working in quantitative finance, fi...
CRAR = Capital-to-risk weighted assets ratio
The capital-to-risk weighted assets ratio measures a bank's financial strength by using its capital ...
CRD = Capital Requirements Directive
The CRD is a a piece of EU legislation that sets out rules for the prudential regulation of authoris...
CRM = Customer Relationship Management
CRM is a set of integrated, data-driven software solutions that help manage, track, and store inform...
CSA = Credit Support Annex
A CSA is a document that defines the terms for the provision of collateral by the parties in derivat...
CSRD = Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
CSRD entered into force in 2023 to modernise and strengthen the rules concerning the social and envi...
CTA = Commodity Trading Adviser
A CTA is a US regulatory term that refers to a wide range of investment companies and hedge funds wh...
CTB = Change-the-Bank
CTB refers to initiatives or projects aimed at transforming a bank's operations, technology, or proc...
CtD = Cheapest to Deliver
CtD refers to the cheapest security delivered in a futures contracts to a long position to satisfy t...
CTIs = Crypto Tradable Indices
CTIs are crypto index funds designed to implement advanced diversification and investment strategies...
CUSIP = Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures
A CUSIP number identifies most securities, including: stocks of all registered US and Canadian compa...
CVA = Credit Valuation Adjustment
CVA is the process through which counterparty credit is valued, priced and hedged. We can no longer ...
CVaR = Conditional VaR
Also called expected shortfall (ES), CVaR is the average of all losses which are greater or equal th...
CvC = Call vs Call
CvC is a typical correlation trading strategy in which an investor gets exposure to the average corr...
D1 = Delta One
Delta one products are financial derivatives that have no optionality and as such have a delta of on...
The DAX is a stock market index consisting of the 40 major German blue chip companies trading on the...
DCA = Dollar Cost Averaging
DCA involves investing the same amount of money in a target security at regular intervals over a cer...
DCM = Debt Capital Markets
DCM is a department that acts as an intermediary between issuers of public or private debt and marke...
DEX = Decentralized Exchange
A DEX is a peer-to-peer marketplace where users can trade cryptocurrencies in a non-custodial manner...
DJIA = Dow Jones Industrial Average
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, Dow Jones, or simply the Dow, is a stock market index of 30 promin...
DNT = Double No-Touch Option
A DNT is a type of exotic option that gives its holder a specified payout only if the underlying ass...
DTCC = Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation
It is a centralised clearinghouse for various exchanges and equity platforms. In other words, it is ...
DTE = Days to Expiry
It corresponds to the numbers of days before the expiry of a dated financial contract (futures, opti...
DTS = Duration Times Spread
DTS is the market standard method for measuring the credit volatility of a corporate bond. It i...
DV01 = Dollar Value of 1 basis point
DV01 measures the interest rate risk of bond or portfolio of bonds by estimating the price change in...
DVA = Debt Valuation Adjustment
This is the adjustment made to the price of a derivative to account for the credit risk of the insti...
E2E = End-to-End
E2E means from its starting point to its end.
EAD = Exposure at Default
EAD is an estimate of what the credit exposure would be at the time a customer defaults sometime in ...
EAMs = External Asset Managers
An external asset manager is a wealth manager which works independently from banks. Wealth managers ...
ECB = European Central Bank
The ECB is the joint currency authority of the member states of the European Monetary Union (EMU) an...
ECL = Expected Credit Loss
ECL is an estimate of the amount of credit losses that a financial institution expects to incur over...
ECM = Equity Capital Markets
The ECM department acts as an intermediary between market investors and the issuers of equity, or qu...
EDS = Equity Default Swap
An EDS is a derivative contract between two parties - a protection buyer and a protection seller - w...
EDSP = Exchange Delivery Settlement Price
It refers to the price at which exchange-traded derivatives contracts are settled. Stock exchanges u...
EE = Expected Exposure
This is the expected (average) credit exposure on a future target date conditional on positive marke...
EFP = Exchange for Physical
It is a private agreement between two parties to swap a futures contract for the actual underlying a...
EFSF = European Financial Stability Fund
It is a temporary fund to provide funding to struggling European economies, having bailed out Greece...
EGB = European Government Bonds
EGBs means euro-denominated sovereign bonds issued by European governments.
EIOPA = European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
The EIOPA is a EU financial regulatory agency. It is one of the 3 European Supervisory Authorities f...
ELA = Emergency Liquidity Assistance
ELA is a last resort for providing liquidity to a distressed credit providing institution.
ELN = Equity-Linked Notes
ELNs are structured financial products that combine a fixed-income instrument, such as a bond, with ...
ELS = Equity-Linked Securities
An equity-linked security is a debt instrument with variable payments linked to an equity market ben...
EMEA = Europe, Middle East and Africa
EMEA is a geographical grouping and an acronym widely used by global corporations to define regional...
EMIR = European Market Infrastructure Regulation
The EMIR is an EU regulation aimed at reducing systemic counterparty and operational risk and thereb...
EMTN = Euro Medium-Term Note
A euro medium-term note is a medium-term, flexible debt instrument that is traded and issued outside...
EMU = European Monetary Union
The EMU is an agreement in which the European Union’s member states have agreed to converge th...
EOMR = Enhanced Open Market Repurchase
An eOMR uses an algorithm to determine the amount of stock purchased each day. The algorithm is desi...
EONIA = Euro OverNight Index Average
EONIA was until the end of 2021 the 1-day interbank interest rate for the Euro zone. It is an effect...
EPE = Expected Positive Exposure
EPE is the weighted average of potential future credit exposures on a given date, considering the av...
EPT = European PRIIPS Template
It is a standardised file that contains all necessary information so that insurers can create KID PR...
EQD = Equity Derivatives
EQD are financial instruments whose value is derived from price movements of the underlying asset, w...
ERP = Equity Risk Premium
The Equity Risk Premium (ERP) is the extra return that investors expect to earn from investing in st...
ES = Expected Shortfall
Also called conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), expected shortfall is the average of all losses which ...
ESCB = European System of Central Banks
The ESCB is composed of the European Central Bank and the national central banks of all the states i...
ESG = Environmental, Social and Governance
ESG is a set of aspects, including environmental issues, social issues and corporate governance that...
ESM = European Stability Mechanism
ESM is an organisation created to provide help for European countries experiencing financial difficu...
ESMA = European Securities and Markets Authority
The ESMA is an independent EU authority whose purpose is to improve investor protection and promote ...
ESOPs = Employee Share Ownership Plans
An ESOP is an employee benefit plan that enables employees to own part of the company they work for ...
ETCs = Exchange-Traded Commodities
ETCs are bonds which are comparable to certificates and are linked to the performance of one or more...
ETDs = Exchange-Traded Derivatives
ETDs are standardized derivative contracts such as futures and options contracts that are trans...
ETF = Exchange-Traded Funds
An ETF is a fund listed on-exchange that invests in a basket of assets – most commonly equitie...
ETN = Exchange-Traded Notes
ETNs are types of unsecured debt securities that track an underlying index of securities and trade o...
ETP = Exchange-Traded Products
ETPs are instruments that track underlying security, index, or financial products. ETPs trade on exc...
ETS = Exchange-Traded Solutions
ETS are standardized derivatives that can be easily purchased and traded thanks to their high liquid...
EURIBOR = Euro Interbank Offered Rate
It describes the interest rate at which euro interbank term deposits are offered. EURIBOR is determi...
EUSIPA = European Structured Investment Products Association
The EUSIPA is the European umbrella association for the certificate sector. Its role is to promote t...
EVE = Economic Value of Equity
EVE is the net present value of a bank's balance sheet's cash flows. It measures the long-term impac...
F2B chain = Front-to-Back chain
It refers to the full chain of processes from the back-office to the front-office.
FCA = Financial Conduct Authority
The FCA regulates the financial services industry in the UK. Its role includes protecting consumers,...
FED = Federal Reserve System
The FED is the central banking system of the United States.
FFR = Federal Funds Rate
FFR is the interest rate at which depository institutions lend reserve balances to other banks overn...
FFT = Fast Fourier Transform
The FFT is a mathematical technique that efficiently computes the discrete Fourier transform and has...
FIA = Fixed Index Annuity
FIA is a type of annuity contract that provides a guaranteed minimum return while offering additiona...
FICC = Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities
FICC is the name of a team/department that transact in a variety of assets, including interest rate ...
FLEX Option = Flexible Exchange Option
A semi-customized, exchange-traded put or call option issued by a clearing house. Customization is l...
FO = Front Office
The front office represents the customer-facing division of a firm. For example, customer service, s...
FOK = Fill or Kill
An FOK is an order type that must be executed immediately in its entirety. Otherwise order is cancel...
FOMC = Federal Open Market Committee
The FOMC is a branch of the FED. It is responsible for administering monetary policy decisions in th...
FPC = Financial Policy Committee
The Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee (FPC) identifies, monitors and takes ac...
FRA = Forward Rate Agreement
An FRA is an agreement between two parties that determines a future rate of interest with a single i...
FRM = Financial Risk Manager
The FRM designation is an international professional certification for risk management professionals...
FRN = Floating-Rate Notes
FRNs are fixed income securities that pay a coupon determined by a reference rate which resets perio...
FRTB = Fundamental Review of the Trading Book
The FRTB is a comprehensive suite of capital rules developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Super...
FSB = Financial Stability Board
The Financial Stability Board is an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about...
FSCS = Financial Services Compensation Schemes
The FSCS is the UK's statutory compensation scheme for customers of UK authorised financial services...
FSMA = Financial Services and Market Authority
The FSMA strives to ensure the honest and equitable treatment of financial consumers and the in...
FTD (CDS) = First-to-Default Swap
A first-to-default swap is an instrument that pays a predetermined amount when (and if) th...
FTD = Failure to Deliver
Failure to Deliver refers to a situation where one party in a trading contract doesn't deliver on th...
FTP = Fund Transfer Pricing
The Fund Transfer Pricing measures the contribution by each source of funding to the overall profita...
FTSE 100
A share index of the stocks of the 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange with the highes...
It is the major stock index in Italy. It consists of the 40 most traded stocks on the exchange.
FVA = Funding Valuation Adjustment
An FVA is an adjustment to the value of a derivative or a derivatives portfolio that is designed to ...
FX = Forex = Foreign Exchange
FX is the global marketplace for the trading of one nation's currency for another. The forex market...
G-SIB = Global Systematically Important Banks
G-SIBs are a group of financial institutions with such significant economic weight that their failur...
G10 = G10 currencies
The G10 currencies are ten of the most heavily traded currencies in the world. G10 currencies : USD,...
GDR = Global Depositary Receipt
GDRs are global certificates for securities. They serve to simplify the custody and management of se...
GFD = Good For Day
A GFD is a type of order that will remain active until executed (in part of full) or until the end o...
GIC = Guaranteed Investment Certificate
A GIC is a secure investment that guarantees 100% of your principal and interest when held to maturi...
GIPS = Global Investment Performance Standards
The GIPS are used by investment managers for creating performance presentations that ensure a fair r...
GOAL = Geld Oder Aktien Lieferung (Cash or Share Delivery)
It is UBS name of a Reverse Convertible.
GTC = Good-Til-Cancelled
A GTC order is an order to buy or sell a security at a particular price that is active until filled ...
GTD = Good ’Til Day
A GTD order is an order to buy or sell a security at a particular price that will remain in place un...
HF = Hedge Fund
A hedge fund is an alternative investment that pools assets from multiple investors. HFs are illiqui...
HICP = Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
HICP is an indicator of inflation and price stability for the ECB. It is a consumer price index whic...
HNWI = High-Net-Worth Individuals
It is a term used in the financial services industry for people who maintain liquid asset at or abov...
HPL = Hypothetical P&L
HPL is the daily P&L produced by revaluing the positions held at the end of the previous day usi...
HQLA = High-Quality Liquid Assets
The high-quality liquid assets include only those with a high potential to be converted easily and q...
HRP = Hierarchical Risk Parity
HRP is an advanced portfolio optimization technique that aims to create more stable and diversified ...
HVaR = Historical Value-at-Risk
The HVaR uses historical data and scenarios to measure VaR. The benefits of this approach ar...
HY = High Yield
High-yield bonds are debt securities that pay higher interest rates because they are issued by corpo...
IAIS = International Association of Insurance Supervisors
The IAIS is a voluntary membership organisation of insurance supervisors and regulators from more th...
ICE = Intercontinental Exchange
The ICE is an American exchange that trades futures and options.
ICO = Initial Coin Offering
An ICO is the cryptocurrency industry's equivalent of an initial public offering (IPO). A company se...
IDB = Inter Dealer Broker
An inter-dealer broker (IDB) is a specialized financial intermediary who facilitates transactions be...
IDR = International Depositary Receipt
IDRs are depositary receipts (negotiable certificates) which represent ownership of a share in a com...
IEA = International Energy Agency
The IEA works with countries around the world to shape energy policies for a secure and sustainable ...
IFA = Independent Financial Adviser
An IFA is a professional who offers independent advice on financial products and matters.
IFRS = International Financial Reporting Standards
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of accounting rules designed to ensure ...
IFTA = International Federation of Technical Analysis
The IFTA offers courses for certifications in technical analysis for successful traders.
IG = Investment Grade
Investment grade is a measure of a company's credit. Higher rated companies are considered investmen...
ILB = Inflation-linked Bond
Also called linkers, ILBs are fixed income securities whose principal and coupons are linked to infl...
ILS = Insurance-Linked Securities
ILS are financial instruments usually sponsored by insurers or reinsurers to cover extreme natural e...
IM = Initial Margin
In derivatives markets, initial margin is one of two types of collateral required to protect a party...
IMA = Internal Models Approach
The internal models approach is one of two methods banks can use to calculate market risk capital re...
IMC = Investment Management Certificate
The IMC is recognized by the fund management industry as the entry-level qualification of choice for...
IMF = International Monetary Fund
The IMF is an organisation which represents 187 nations. Its duties include fostering global monetar...
IOC = Immediate or Cancel
An IOC is an order to buy or sell a security that will execute all or part immediately and then canc...
IPO = Initial Public Offering
In an IPO, a privately owned company lists its shares on a stock exchange, making them available for...
IPV = Independent Price Verification
Independent Price Verification is an increasingly important process requirement to support fina...
IRA = Individual Retirement Account
An IRA is an account set up at a financial institution that allows an individual to save for retirem...
IRC = Incremental Risk Charge
The incremental risk charge (IRC) is a regulatory requirement from the Basel Committee in response t...
IRD = Interest Rates Derivatives
IRD are a derivative based on a benchmark interest rate or group of interest rates. Traders and borr...
IRR = Internal Rate of Return
The IRR is the annual rate of growth that an investment is expected to generate. IRR is calculated u...
IRRBB = Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
IRRBB refers to the risk that a bank’s capital and earnings will be negatively affected by cha...
IRS = Interest Rate Swap
An interest rate swap (IRS) is a type of a derivative contract through which two counterparties agre...
ISA = Individual Savings Account
ISA is a class of retail investment arrangement available to residents of the United Kingdom. The a...
ISA = Individual Segregated Account
A client in an ISA has no co-mingling with any other client or the house, and is subject to porting ...
ISDA = International Swaps and Derivatives Association
The ISDA is a trade organization of participants in the market for OTC derivatives. It fosters safe ...
ISIN = International Securities Identification Number
An ISIN uniquely identifies a security. Securities for which ISINs are issued include bonds, commerc...
ISM = Institute of Supply Management
The ISM rates the relative level of business conditions including employment, production, new orders...
ISPL = Information Services Procurement Library
ISPL is a best practice library for the management of Information Technology related acquisition pro...
ITM = In-the-Money
ITM refers to the moneyness of an option. Moneyness is a concept referring to the position of the un...
IV = Implied Volatility
Implied Volatility is computed from options prices, using Black-Scholes formula. Black-Scholes formu...
JGBs = Japanese Government Bonds
JGBs are medium-term to long-term bonds issued by the government of Japan. Interest is paid every si...
JOLTS = Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey
It is a survey program that produces data on job openings, hires and separations in the U.S.
JSCC = Japan Securities Clearing Corporation
The JSCC was established in 2002 to provide clearing services for the country's five equities exchan...
KIID = Key Investor Information Document
The KIID is a two-page ‘fact-sheet’ style document which includes the critical informati...
KIKO = Knock-In Knock Out
KIKO is a short-term structured product that can be applied to any asset class. As an equity-linked ...
KPIs = Key Performance Indicators
A KPI is a quantifiable measure of performance over time for a specific objective.
KRIs = Key Risk Indicators
Key risk indicators are used by financial firms to measure their exposure to a given risk at a ...
KTB = Korean Treasury Bond
Bonds issued with 3-, 5-, 10-, 20-, 30- and 50-year maturities with every-six-month interest coupons...
KVA = Capital Valuation Adjustment
This is the adjustment made to the price of a derivative to account for the cost of the capital that...
KYC = Know Your Client/Customer
KYC are a set of standards used in the investment services industry to verify customers and their ri...
LCR = Liquidity Coverage Ratio
The LCR requires banks to hold enough high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) – such as short-...
LDI = Liability-Driven Investing
LDI is an investment strategy focused on gaining enough assets to cover all current and future liabi...
LEPO = Low Exercise Price Option
A LEPO is simply a conventional call option with a strike price close to zero. Hence, the LEPO is in...
LGD = Loss Given Default
LGD is a measure of the loss that a lender incurs when a borrower defaults on a loan, expressed as a...
LIBOR = London Interbank Offered Rate
The LIBOR is a set of interest rates calculated from submissions by large global banks. LIBOR rates ...
LIS = Liquidity Investment Solutions
LIS are customized strategies aimed at managing liquidity while maximizing returns, often used by in...
LP = Limited Partner
A limited partner is an investor who contributes capital to a business partnership in exchange ...
LP = Liquidity Provider
Liquidity Providers are entities or individuals who supply buy and sell orders to the financial mark...
LSM = Least Squares Monte Carlo
LSM is a numerical method used for valuing American-style derivatives, particularly when there are c...
LSM = Liquidity Stress Management
LSM refers to the processes and strategies that financial institutions use to ensure they have suffi...
LSV = Local Stochastic Volatility
LSV is a model used in quantitative finance to describe the behavior of asset prices. It combines fe...
LTRO = Long-Term Refinancing Operation
LTRO was used by the ECB as an alternative to QE. It enables European banks to borrow as much money ...
LTV = Loan to Value Ratio
The LTV corresponds to the size of a secured loan relatively to its collateral value.
MBRC = Multi Barrier Reverse Convertible Note
Multi barrier reverse convertible are yield enhancing products. The investor gives up the capital pr...
MDP = Multi-Dealer Platform
Multi-Dealer platforms are a great example of how technology continues to improve markets. These ele...
MFS = Market & Financing Services
The MFS department includes repo, securities lending, trip arty collateral management and financing ...
MiFID = Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
MiFID is a European regulation that increases the transparency across the EU's financial m...
MILP = Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) is a mathematical optimization approach that involves both i...
MLE = Maximum Likehood Estimation
MLE is a statistical method used to estimate the parameters of a model by maximizing a likelihood fu...
MM = Market Maker
Market maker refers to a firm or an individual that engages in two-sided markets of a given security...
MMF = Money Market Fund
A MMF is a kind of mutual fund that invests in highly liquid, near-term instruments. These instrumen...
MO = Middle Office
The middle office is the department in a financial services company, investment bank or hedge fund t...
MOC = Market on Close
A market order executed as close to the end of the market day as possible.
MOO = Market on Open
A buy or sell order in which the broker is to execute the order at the market’s opening.
MOVE Index = Merrill Lynch Option Volatility Index
MOVE Index is a crucial gauge of interest rate volatility in the US Treasury market. The inde...
MPC = Monetary Policy Committee
The MPC is responsible for administering the UK monetary policy.
MPoR = Margin Period of Risk
Margin period of risk, also known as the "liquidation period”, stands for the time period from...
MRC = Multi Reverse Convertible
A Multi Reverse Convertible Note is a reverse convertible on several underlying assets, typically on...
MRCN = Multi Reverse Convertible Notes
A Multi Reverse Convertible Note is a reverse convertible on several underlying assets, typically on...
MROs = Main Refinancing Operations
MROs are the Eurosystem’s main tool for providing liquidity and steering interest rates in the...
MTA = Minimum Transfer Amount
The Minimum Transfer Amount (MTA) is the smallest collateral amount that must be transferred between...
MTFs = Multilateral Trading Facilities
A multilateral trading facility is a type of trading venue where financial instruments are exchanged...
MtM = Marked-to-Market
Marked-to-Market is an accounting practice that involves adjusting the value of an asset to reflect ...
MTN = Medium-Term Note
A medium-term note is a note that usually matures in five to 10 years.
MVA = Margin Valuation Adjustment
MVA allows for the funding costs of the initial margin posted for a derivatives trade. This can appl...
MVaR = Marginal Value-at-Risk
Marginal VaR measures the change in the total portfolio VaR following an increase of investment of 1...
NASDAQ 100 = National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation
The Nasdaq-100 is a stock market index made up of equity securities issued by 100 of the largest non...
NAV = Net Asset Value
A fund’s or exchange-traded fund’s (ETF) per-share value. It is calculated by dividing t...
NBFCs = Nonbank Financial Companies
NBFCs are entities that provide similar services to a bank but do not hold a banking license.
NBFIs = Nonbank Financial Institutions
NBFIs are entities that provide similar services to a bank but do not hold a banking license.
NDF = Non-Deliverable Forward
An NDF is a cash-settled short term forward contract on a thinly traded or not fully convertible for...
NDO = Non-Deliverable Option
A NDO is a financial derivative where, if exercised, settlement is not made through the actual deliv...
NFP = Non-Farm Payrolls
NFP is an important US statistic compiled by the Bureau of Labour statistics, which shows monthly ne...
NII = Net Interest Income
NII refers to the difference between the revenue generated from a bank's interest-bearing assets (li...
NINs = Non-Inversion Notes
An interest rate structured note that achieves a higher yield conditionally of the swap curve (expre...
NIP = New Issue Premium
It is a premium over the existing bonds for a given company that acts as an incentive for investors ...
NLP = Natural Language Processing
NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to comprehend, generate, and manip...
NMRF = Non-Modellable Risk Factor
NMRF refers to a risk factor that cannot be reliably modeled due to insufficient data availability, ...
NSFR = Net Stable Funding Ratio
The NSFR is expressed as a ratio that must equal or exceed 100%. The ratio relates the bank's availa...
NYME = New York Mercantile Exchange
The New York Mercantile Exchange is a commodity futures exchange owned and operated by CME Group of ...
OAS = Option-Adjusted Spread
OAS is a measure used to evaluate the yield spread of a bond that has embedded options, such as call...
OATs = Obligations Assimilables du Trésor
OATs are medium-term to long-term French government bonds.
OCC = Options Clearing Corporation
The OCC issues substantially all CBOE options contracts. The OCC is recognized as the vital mechanis...
OCO = One Cancels Other
OCO is a pair of orders stipulating that if one order is executed, then the other order is automatic...
ODB = Option on Dynamic Basket
The underlying dynamic basket works as a CPPI, the difference being that the basket is never fully i...
OECD = Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECD provides research, statistics and recommendation to its members.
OEICs = Open-Ended Investment Companies
OEICs are professionally-managed funds where investors' money is pooled together to gain access to a...
OIS = Overnight Index Swap
An overnight index swap is an interest rate swap in which a fixed rate is exchanged for an overnight...
OLOs = Obligations Linéaires Ordinaires
OLOs basically are Belgian government bonds. They are not really much different than other governmen...
OMM = Option Market Making
The basic role of market makers in the options exchanges is to ensure that the markets run smoo...
OMOs = Open Market Operations
OMOs are the buying and selling of government bonds on the open market by a central bank. It is the ...
OMS = Order Management System
It is just a state machine. You feed it your current order state and your intended order state. It w...
OMT = Outright Monetary Transactions
OMT denotes the ECB’s purchases in secondary sovereign bond markets and under certain conditio...
OOP = Object-Oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design aro...
OPEC = Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEC is an international organisation of more than a dozen nations located in the Middle East, Afric...
ORSA = Own Risk and Solvency Assessment
At the heart of the prudential SII directive, the ORSA is defined as a set of processes constituting...
OSE = Osaka Exchange
The OSE is the leading Derivatives Exchange in Japan.
OTC = Over-the-Counter
The OTC market is where securities trade via a broker-dealer network instead of on a centralized exc...
OTM = Out-of-the-Money
OTM refers to the moneyness of an option. Moneyness is a concept referring to the position of the un...
P&C (Insurance) = Property and Casualty
P&C insurance is a general term that describes various forms of insurance that can help protect ...
P&L = Profits and Losses
It is basically the money you earn or lose everyday on a portfolio.
PCA = Principal Component Analysis
PCA is a statistical method used to reduce the dimensionality of data while retaining most of its va...
PCO = Passive Currency Overlay
Currency overlay is a strategy international investors and fund managers use to farm out currency ri...
PCP = Put-Call Parity
Put-call parity is a fundamental principle in options pricing that defines the relationship between ...
PCS = Put-Call Symmetry
The put-call symmetry relates the prices of puts and calls at strikes on opposite sides of the forwa...
PD = Probability of Default
The PD is the likelihood of a default over a particular time horizon. It provides an estimate of the...
PDE = Partial Differential Equation
A PDE is a mathematical equation that involves multiple independent variables, an unknown function t...
PDF = Probability Density Function
A PDF is a function over the sample space S of a continuous random variable X from which the probabi...
PERLES = PERformance Linked to Equity Securities
Is is the UBS name given to a Tracker Certificates.PERLES products aim to deliver exposure to the pe...
PFE = Potential Future Exposure
Potential future exposure is a measure of risk in relation to default by a counter-party to a financ...
PFOF = Payment for Order Flow
PFOF is a practice in which a broker receives compensation from a third party, typically a market ma...
PIIGS = Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain
PIIGS are a group of 5 countries that were the most affected by the European Debt crisis.
PIS = Product Information Sheet
A product information sheet comprising a maximum of three pages is required to be provided to custom...
PLAT = Profit & Loss Attribution Test
The profit-and-loss attribution test is one of two regulator-set tests that a bank's trading desk mu...
PM = Portfolio Manager
A PM is a professional responsible for making investment decisions and carrying out investment activ...
PM = Precious Metals
Precious metals are metals that are rare and have a high economic value due to various factors, incl...
PMI = Purchasing Managers’ Index
PMI measures the activity level of purchasing managers in the manufacturing sector. he PMI is based ...
PPI = Producer Price Index
PPI measures the average change in prices received by domestic producers for their output.
PPN = Principal-Protected Notes
A PPN is a fixed-income security that guarantees a minimum return equal to the investor's initial in...
PRA = Prudential Regulation Authority
The Bank of England prudentially regulates and supervises financial services firms through the Prude...
PRDC = Power Reverse Dual Currency
Power Reverse Dual Currency pays investors some foreign interest rate in the domestic currency. A PR...
Priips = Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products
Priips is a EU term for packaged retail investment products, such as insurance policies, structured ...
PRNs = Principal at Risk Notes
PRNs provide a return that’s tied to the performance of a specified reference asset. They offe...
QE = Quantitative Easing
QE is the process by which central banks balance sheets are expanded in order to allow them to purch...
QFII = Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor
The Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) is a program that allows specified licensed inte...
QIS = Quantitative Investment Strategies
QIS is an alternative way of investing that builds rules-based Investment Solutions encapsulated in ...
QLP = Quality and Liquidity Provider
A liquidity provider is a financial institution that ensures that a specific market remains liquid, ...
QRA = Quarterly Refunding Announcement
Every quarter, the US Treasury Department releases its QRA, which outlines the government's borrowin...
QRM = Quantitative Risk Management
It represents the discipline which deals with the ability of an organization to quantify and manage ...
RACs = Range Accrual Callables
Structured product where the coupon is linked to the performance of a reference index, for example 6...
RCF = Revolving Credit Facility
A revolving credit facility is a line of credit that is arranged between a bank and a business. It c...
RCNs = Reverse Convertible Notes
Reverse Convertibles Notes are among the most popular yield enhancement products in Switzerland and ...
RCs = Reverse Convertibles
Reverse Convertibles are among the most popular yield enhancement products in Switzerland and are su...
RDC = Reverse Dual Currency (Note)
A note which pays a coupon in a non-base currency (typically the currency of the issuer) and pays pr...
RDC = Revolving Debt Capacity
RDC refers to the amount of borrowing available to a company or individual under a revolving credit ...
REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust
REITs are companies that own or finance income-producing real estate across a range of property sect...
RFET = Risk Factor Eligibility Test
The bank's risk management model must include an appropriate set of risk factors, that are represent...
RFQ = Request for Quote
A RFQ is a financial term for certain way to ask a bank for a bid or an offer for a given financial ...
RFR = Risk-Free Rate
The risk-free rate is the theoretical rate of return on an investment with zero risk. As such, it is...
RIA = Registered Investment Advisor
A RIA is a financial firm that advises clients on securities investments and may manage their invest...
RILA = Registered Index-Linked Annuity
RILA is a type of annuity that provides the potential for higher returns based on the performance of...
RIS = Retail Investment Strategy
A Retail Investment Strategy (RIS) refers to a structured approach used by financial institutions, r...
RIY = Reduction in Yield
The RIY shows what impact the total costs you pay will have on the investment return you might get.
RMBS = Residential Mortgage-Backed Security
RMBS are a type of mortgage-backed security backed by residential real estate mortgages.
RMSE = Root Mean Square Error
RMSE is a standard measure used to quantify the difference between values predicted by a model and t...
RRP = Reverse Repo
A reverse repurchase agreement (RRP) is the act of buying securities temporarily with the intention ...
RTB = Run-the-Bank
RTB refers to the activities and operations necessary to maintain the daily functions of a bank or f...
RTPL = Risk-Theoretical P&L
The RTPL is the daily trading desk-level P&L that is produced by the valuation engine of the tra...
RUB = Russian Rubles
The ruble is the currency of the Russian Federation.
RVX = CBOE Russell 2000 Volatility Index
RVX is a financial benchmark that measures the market's expectations of 30-day volatility in the Rus...
RWA = Risk-Weighted Assets
RWA is a bank's assets or off-balance-sheet exposures, weighted according to risk. This sort of asse...
S&T = Sales & Trading
Sales & Trading is the division of an investment bank that pitches clients on different trading ...
SAA = Strategic Asset Allocation
SAA is the process that determines the different asset class distribution within an investor’s...
SABR = Stochastic Alpha Beta Rho model
The SABR is stochastic volatility model for forward prices commonly used in the modelling of interes...
SBA = Sensitivities-based approach
The sensitivities-based approach is the standardised method to calculate risk capital under the Fund...
SDP = Single-Dealer Platform
A Single-Dealer Platform is a technology platform used by financial institutions to provide trading ...
SDR = Swap Data Repository
SDRs are new entities created by the Dodd-Frank Act in order to provide a central facility for swap ...
SEC = Securities and Exchange Commission
The SEC is the most senior authority that regulates the entire US securities market.
SEF = Swap Execution Facilities
SEFs are trading facilities that operate under the regulatory oversight of the CFTC. They were creat...
SEP = Summary of Economic Projections
The Fed’s SEP sheds light on the central bank’s expectations for economic growth, inflat...
SET = Strategic Equity Transactions
The SET team focuses on tailor-made equity financing, equity stake management and treasury share sol...
SFT = Securities Financing Transaction
SFTs allow investors and firms to use assets, such as the shares or bonds they own, to secure fundin...
SGX = Singapore Exchange
The Singapore Exchange is a leading Asian exchange that provides a platform for securities, derivati...
SII = Solvency II
Solvency II is the prudential regime for insurance and reinsurance undertakings in the EU.
SIMM = Standard Initial Margin Model
It is a common methodology to help market participants calculate initial margin on non-cleared deriv...
SLAB = Securities Lending And Borrowing
SLAB is a collateralized loan.The lender gives cash or securities (the principal) to the borrower in...
SLAs = Service Level Agreements
SLAs are contracts between a service provider and a customer which specify the minimum level of serv...
SMA = Separately Managed Account = Segregated Managed Account
A SMA is a portfolio of assets managed by a professional investment firm. SMAs are increasingly targ...
SMI = Swiss Market Index
The SMI is Switzerland's blue-chip stock market index, which makes it the most followed in the count...
SOFR = Secured Overnight Financing Rate
The Secured Overnight Financing Rate is a broad measure of the cost of borrowing cash overnight coll...
SONIA = Sterling Overnight Index Average
SONIA is a reference rate published daily by the Bank of England that tracks the interest paid by ba...
SPIRE = Single Platform Investment Repackaging Entity
SPIRE is a special purpose vehicle established for the purpose of issuing asset backed securities. ...
SPV = Special Purpose Vehicle
A SPV is a legal entity that allows multiple investors to pool their capital and make an investment ...
SPX = S&P500 = Standard and Poor’s 500
The S&P 500 is a stock market index tracking the stock performance of 500 of the largest compani...
SRI = Socially Responsible Investment
SRI is an investment that is considered socially responsible due to the nature of the business the c...
SRI = Summary Risk Indicator (= SRRI)
SRI is a standardised risk indicator that takes into account both the volatility of a financial inst...
SRRI = Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator
SRRI is a component of the Key Investor Information Document (KIID). It illustrates a fund’s r...
SSAs = Sovereign, supranational, and agency bonds
SSAs are bonds issued by institutions like the World Bank and other institutions whose activities in...
SSPA = Swiss Structured Products Association
It is the aim of the SSPA to promote the reputation of Structured Products and, subsequently, also S...
SST = Scenario Stress Testing
The stress tests evaluate the financial resilience of large banks by estimating bank losses, revenue...
STRIPS = Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
The idea of STRIPS is that the principal and each interest payment become separate securities that a...
STS = Systematic Trading Strategies
STS are methods of defining trade goals, risk controls, and decision making to remove human emotion ...
T2 replaced TARGET2 and is the real-time gross settlement system owned and operated by the Eurosyste...
TAA = Tactical Asset Allocation
Tactical asset allocation refers to an active management portfolio strategy that shifts asset alloca...
TARF = Target Accrual Redemption Forward
A TARF is a foreign exchange product that allows the holder, usually a corporate, to buy or sell a c...
TARN = Target Accrual Redemption Note
A TARN is a type of structured financial product that is similar to a Target Accrual Redemption Forw...
TCA = Transaction Cost Analysis
It is the study of trade prices to determine whether past trades were arranged at favourable prices&...
TCM = Tri-party collateral management
Triparty collateral management services (TCMS) provided by triparty agents (TPAs) allow market parti...
TE = Tracking Error
Tracking error is a measure of how closely a portfolio follows the index against which it is benchma...
TED spread = T-Bill Eurodollar Futures spread
TED spread is the difference between interest rates on interbank loans and the interest rate on shor...
TER = Total Expense Ratio
The total expense ratio is a measure of the total cost of a fund to an investor. Total costs may inc...
TGA = Treasury General Account
The TGA is the US government’s operating account that is maintained by Federal Reserve Banks a...
TIBOR = JPY-Tokyo interbank offered rate
TIBOR is the daily reference rate derived from interest rates that banks charge to lend funds to oth...
TIPP = Time Invariant Portfolio Protection
It is a portfolio insurance strategy that plays an important role in the realm of investment managem...
TIPS = Treasury Inflation Protected Securities
TIPS are inflation-protected bonds that are issued by the US Treasury. Their face value is pegged to...
TLAC = Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity
Total loss-absorbing capacity is an international standard, finalised by the Financial Stability Boa...
TONA = Tokyo overnight average rate
TONA is a key interest rate in Japan that serves as a benchmark for short-term interest rates. It is...
TPF = Target Profit Forward
Also known as TARF, a TPF is a foreign exchange product that allows the holder, usually a corporate,...
TRF = Total Return Futures
TRFs are centrally cleared and exchange-listed alternatives to total return swaps (TRSs). They are a...
TRS = Total Return Swaps
A total return swap is a swap agreement in which one party makes payments based on a set rate, ...
TRY = Turkish Lira
TRY is the official currency from Turkey.
TS = Term sheet
A term sheet is a non-binding agreement that shows the basic terms and conditions of an investment. ...
TTF = Title Transfer Facility
TTF is a virtual trading point for natural gas in the Netherlands. This trading point provides facil...
TV = Theoretical Value
The Theoretical Value of an option is the premium calculated using a standard option pricing model, ...
TV = Time Value
In options trading, Time Value is the portion of an option's premium that exceeds its intrinsic valu...
TVOG = Time Value of Options and Guarantees
The TVOG captures the time value of embedded options and guarantees built into an insurance product....
UCITS = Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
UCITS is a regulatory framework for mutual funds in the European Union. It governs how mutual funds ...
UHNW = Ultra High Net Worth
Individuals with ultra high net worth, who control a tremendous amount of global wealth.
VaR = Value at Risk
VaR is a statistical measure of the riskiness of financial entities or portfolios of assets. It is d...
VFM = Value For Money
Value for Money (VFM) in Structured Products means assessing whether a product offers a fair balance...
VIX = Volatility Index
CBOE Volatility Index, VIX, is a popular measure of the stock market's expectation of volatility bas...
VM = Variation Margin
In derivatives markets, variation margin is a type of collateral required to protect parties to a co...
VNKY = Nikkei 225 Volatility Index
VNKY measures the market's expectations for near-term volatility in the Nikkei 225 Index, which is J...
VPF = Variable Prepaid Forward
A variable prepaid forward contract is a technique that stockholders use in market equity trans...
VRP = Volatility Risk Premium
The volatility risk premium refers to the phenomenon that option-implied volatility tends to exceed ...
VTS = Volatility Target Strategy
This concept shifts dynamically between risk-free and risky assets in order to generate a portfolio ...
VVIX is a volatility index that measures the expected volatility of the VIX itself, which is often r...
VWAP = Volume-Weighted Average Price
VWAP is a statistic that shows the ratio of an asset's price to its total trade volume. It pro...
VXN = CBOE Nasdaq-100 Volatility Index
VXN is a financial index that measures the market's expectations of 30-day volatility in the Nasqad-...
WBS = Whole-Business Securitization
Whole-business securitization (WBS) is a structured finance product where a company issues secured d...
WIRP = World Interest Rate Probabilities
From what I know, WIRP corresponds to a Bloomberg screen that takes information for all Fed funds fu...
WTI = West Texas Intermediate
WTI oil is another benchmark used by oil markets, representing oil produced in the U.S.
WWR = Wrong-Way Risk
Wrong-way risk arises when the exposure to a counterparty increases together with the risk of the co...
XCCY = Cross Currency Swaps
XCCY are an OTC derivative in a form of an agreement between two parties to exchange interest paymen...
XIRR = Extended Internal Rate of Return
It calculates the annual return when cashflows occur at irregular intervals. It takes into account a...
XVA = X-Value Adjustment
XVA is a collective term that covers the different types of valuation adjustments relating to deriva...
YC = Yield Curve
A yield curve is a representation of the relationship between market remuneration rates and the rema...
YCC = Yield Curve Control
Yield curve control involves targeting a longer-term interest rate by a central bank, then buying or...
YTC = Yield To Call
Yield to call is the return that a bondholder will be paid if the bond is held until the call date, ...
YTM = Yield To Maturity
The yield to maturity is the expected annual rate of return earned on a bond, assuming the debt secu...
YTW = Yield to Worst
Yield to worst is a measure that helps investors assess the minimum yield they can expect from a bon...
ZCB = Zero-Coupon Bond
ZCBs are bonds which bear no regular interest payments. They are discounted upon issue that is issue...
ZCS = Zero-Coupon Swap
A zero-coupon swap is an exchange of cash flows in which the stream of floating interest-rate paymen...
ZEW = Zentrum fur Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung
The ZEW is a German economic sentiment indicator that measures the expectations of German institutio...